Allopathic Clinic Accreditation Programme

Allopathic Clinic Accreditation

The NABH accreditation standards for Allopathic Clinics- 2nd edition has been released in the year September 2023. The standards focus on achieving patient safety for both smaller and large set ups in the country, thus designing the objective elements, as Core, Commitment, Achievement and Excellence. The second edition has been made comprehensive including standards for emerging facilities of Day care, Stand alone facilities of Dermatology and Dialysis centers.

  1. Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
  2. Care of Patients (COP)
  3. Management of Medication (MOM)
  4. Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
  5. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
  6. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (PSQ)
  7. Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
  8. Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
  9. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  10. Information Management System (IMS)
  1. Management of Dermatology services (MDS)
  2. Management of Dialysis Care (MDC)
  1. Patients are the biggest beneficiary as implementation of accreditation standards ensures Patient safety, commitment to quality care resulting in good clinical outcomes.
  2. Improves patient satisfaction and increases community confidence as services are provided by credentialed medical staff.
  3. Accreditation status provides good marketing advantage in the competitive healthcare.
  4. Accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance and other third parties.
Allopathic Clinic that fulfils the following requirements:
  • Currently in operation as Allopathic Clinic
  • Allopathic Clinic should have been implemented NABH standards in the Allopathic Clinic for a minimum of three months.
  • The organization that commits to comply with NABH standards and applicable legal/statutory/ regulatory requirements.
1. Non- Allopathic systems of medicine
2. Standalone speciality specific organisation in Ophthalmology, Imaging Centre, Dental Clinic.
All aspiring healthcare organizations desirous to achieve accreditation can apply online by registering on the NABH website. Kindly refer the General information brochure in the Allopathic Clinic accreditation page on NABH website.
General information brochure Free of cost (on website)
NABH Standards for Clinic accreditation-2nd edition Free of cost (on website)
Guidebook to NABH standards for Clinics accreditation -2nd edition Free of cost (on website)


(For 4 years)

Clinic with additional services (Polyclinic)

(For 4 years)

Application Fee: 5,000/- Plus GST@18%

Annual Fee: 15,000/- Plus GST@18%

Virtual Assessment Fee: 2,000/- Plus GST@18%

Application Fee: 10,000/-plus 18% GST

Annual Fee: 40,000/- plus 18% GST

Virtual Assessment Fee: 2,000/- Plus GST@18%

*The fee structure is based on the number of man days required for assessment. In case the scope of services is more than the above, then proportionately higher man days and fee structure may be charged.

GST: W.e.f. 01.06.2016 a GST of 18% or as applicable will be charged on all the above fees. You are requested to please include the service tax in the fees accordingly while submitting to NABH.

NABH Secretariat organizes training sessions on understanding of NABH standards and implementing them in the organizations in form of Programme on Implementation (POI), for healthcare organizations desirous of taking their organizations for accreditation. These sessions are taken by faculty from NABH who are senior assessors. The details of these trainings, dates, venue and fee information are available in the NABH website

NABH has taken a new initiative to conduct free master classes on various topics under the rubric “NABH Quality Connect-Learning with NABH”. The master classes are conducted every month. The topics include: Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Hospital Infection Control, Management of Medication, Document Control, Clinical Audits, Continual Quality improvement, Hospital infection prevention etc

Apart from this guidance material is available at “Resource” page of NABH web portal

Kindly visit the below link to attend training programmes being conducted by NABH.

How to get a copy of the standard?

Copy of the standards can be freely downloaded online from the blow mentioned link

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