Accreditation Standards for Dental Health Care Service Providers (DHSP)

NABH standards for Dental Health Care Service Providers (DHSP) have been drafted by Technical committee of NABH and contain complete set of standards for evaluation of Dental facility for grant of accreditation. The standards provide framework for quality assurance and quality improvement for Dental facility. The standards focus on patient safety and quality of care. The standards are equally applicable to Dental facility in the government as well as in the private sector.

Section A: Accreditation Standards for Dental Hospitals & Educational Institutions:

  • Category 1: DHSPs associated with hospitals without inpatient facility
  • Category 2: DHSPs associated with hospitals/educational institutes & standalone DHSPs with inpatient facility

Section B: Accreditation Standards for Dental Clinics

Outline of NABH Standards for Dental facility

Patient Centered Standards

1. Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
2. Care of Patient (COP)
3. Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
4. Management of Dental Material Medica & Equipments
5. Infection Control (IC)

Organisation Centered Standards

6. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
7. Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
8. Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
9. Human Resource Management (HRM)
10. Information Management System (IMS)

The copy of NABH standards for Dental healthcare service providers may be obtained from NABH Secretariat at the address given below by remitting Rs. 1500/- by Demand Draft/ Cheque/ Cash in favour of “Quality Council of India” Payable at Delhi. The cost include the postage and handling charges.


Quality Council of India
ITPI Building, 6th Floor, 4 – A, Ring Road, I P Estate,
New Delhi – 110002
Tel: +91 11 233 23 416 / 417 / 418 / 419 / 420
Fax: +91 11 233 23 415

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