Entry Level Certification Programme
Definition of Entry Level Healthcare Organisation(HCO)
Any hospital above 50 beds will come under HCO category. The entry level HCO standards have 10 chapters 45 standards & 167 objective elements.
Entry Level Certification Programme
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) has partnered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to carry out entry level certification of hospitals which has been made mandatory for providing cashless insurance facility to the citizens at their premises.
NABH ensures high quality of care and patient safety, the objective of this certification process is to build a quality culture at all level and across all the function of the healthcare organisations

HOPE - Healthcare Organizations Platform for Entry Level Certification
- Revamped portal for entry level certification process of Hospitals and Small Healthcare Organizations.
- Includes registration, documentation and fee submission to be carried out on HOPE web portal and a parallely developed mobile application.
- Multifarious platform for certification process of healthcare organizations.
- Holds complete information about the simplified certification process, requirements and compliances It encompasses relevant & comprehensive quality assurance standards for Healthcare Organizations and Small Healthcare Organizations. These are in natural alignment to the Hospital Standards, with a
Outline of NABH Entry Level Certification Standards
- Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
- Care Of Patient (COP)
- Management of Medication(MOM)
- Patient Right and Education(PRE)
- Hospital Infection Control(HIC)
- Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI)
- Responsibilities of Management(ROM)
- Facility Management and Safety(FMS)
- Human Resource Management(HRM)
- Information Management System (IMS)
- Improved level of community confidence and trust
- Quality And Patient Safety Into Focus
- Roadmap for standardization
- Patient centered culture
- Systems oriented approach
- Improved patient satisfaction levels
- Improved healthcare outcomes
- External recognition
- Empanelment by insurance agencies
- Awareness Creation
- Technology usage to ensure transparency
- Continuous Hand holding
All the Allopathic Hospitals having Inpatient and Daycare Beds can apply for entry level certification program on HOPE portal
Entry level Hospital |
(HCO) – Hospitals with more than 50 sanctioned beds |
All aspiring healthcare organizations desirous to achieve certification can apply online by registering on the HOPE website
Fees towards certification depend on the size of the healthcare organization. To view the complete fee structure please visit important links on NABH website followed by fee structure under quick links.
2 | Entry level For Hospital | Certification Fees For 2 Years: 52,000/- Plus GST @18% Virtual Assessment Fee : 5,000/- Plus< GST @18% |
NABH conducts various training and awareness programmes round the year regularly. It is advisable that the aspirant healthcare organizations attend Training Programme on Implementation (POI) for better understanding the standards.
The standards can be purchased online and the hard copy of the standard shall be dispatched to the address submitted while purchasing the same.