Programme on Implementation (POI) Programme on Implementation of NABH 3rd Edition Standards for Small Healthcare Organisation (SHCO) [Date :17 Jun 2023 – 18 Jun 2023; Venue :Virtual]


Self Assessment Toolkit (SAT) of Accredited Hospitals

Hospitals who have consented to display their SAT in public domain are listed below:

Note – SAT is checklist only for internal audit to be done by the Organisation

Important Public Notice

It has come to notice of NABH that certain individuals / entities are contacting healthcare organizations seeking empanelment for ECHS/CGHS. This is to clarify that NABH has not authorize any individual or entity to contact and seek payments for seeking empanelment with ECHS/ CGHS through NABH. This is an aspersion for NABH. This is a fraudulent act and has no linkage with NABH in any form. NABH does not charge anything except for the fee as mentioned on website and which is only through DD in favor of Quality Council of India, payable at Delhi. Healthcare organizations being contacted as mentioned above are advised to immediately contact NABH so that proper legal action can be taken against such individuals / entities.

Pledges by NABH

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